Dr. Picho selected as NSF QRM Scholar

Dr. Picho selected as National Science Foundation Quantitative Research Methods for STEM Education Scholar. The NSF QRM Scholars Program pairs early-career education researchers with quantitative mentors to help researchers develop their skills in design, measurement, and analysis. The program offers a year-long training that includes an initial intensive virtual Training Institute on fundamental quantitative methodology, on-going live-stream […]

Dr. Picho joins the Advisory board at Karat

Dr. Picho joins the Advisory board at Karat as an Interview Equity Advisor How Social Identity Threat Impacts Interviewing Karat sits down with Howard University’s Dr. Katherine Picho-Kiroga to discuss social identity threat and interviewing Last week, Karat sat down with Howard University’s Dr. Katherine Picho-Kiroga to talk about life-changing interviews and the impact that social identity […]
